Monday 13 July 2009

Latest pictures from the Spiraclimb Garden!

With the aforementioned mix of sunshine and rain, plus the hungry attention of several nesting birds (who seem to be keeping the slugs at bay) most of my plants are thriving. The Sunflower, sadly, is no more due to slug attack and bizarrely one of my hanging baskets seems to have been savaged also. I may have to investigate this further but early indications suggest Cornish slugs have developed abseiling capabilities, or possibly bungee/parachute training.

Anyhow, the beans are doing well and the first red flowers are peeking through - though I managed to miss them when I took the photos. As with last year's crop they appear to love the Spiraclimb supports and though they do need encouragement not to go off-track once the plants get the idea they really take to them.

Already my beans have grown quite some distance and without Spiraclimb I would be needing a lofty trellis or wigwam type structure by now. As it is, the foliage is starting to fill out nicely and growth is well supported and contained.

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